About Us

New Orientation first opened its doors in 1982, inspired by Neena's love for the beauty and rich history behind Blue and White porcelain from the Orient. The affair continues, and under Neena's loving, stylish, and dare we say magical hands, the store has flourished for over 30 years. 

From the first days, we've been obsessed with sleek design that delights in detail. We're enchanted by stationery that pops out of our mailboxes, glamorous jewels, the perfect ea cup, and everything that goes into building a home. 

We believe in the unconscious art of collecting. 

We believe in treasure hunting -- collecting stories, not just things. 

We believe in big bows for little celebrations. 

We believe the greatest luxury is beauty. 

We believe joy comes from creating. 

We believe in making magic for little ones. 

We believe every home needs beautiful and useful basics. 

WE believe great design is always in the detail. 

We believe in handwritten notes, arranging our own flowers, and making beauty everywhere.